Publication Charges

Annals of Gastroenterology and Digestive Disorders is an Open Access journal, Articles published under this journal are freely accessible worldwide without any subscription charges. This allows the user to view, copy, download and distribute the content under the Creative Common Attribution License. This can be made possible by article processing charges which include the peer review process, article production, maintenance, hosting, indexing and archiving. These article processing charges are payable once the manuscript gets accepted for publication. Publication charges may vary and depends on the type of the article.
Please Note: There is no charge for the authors if they wish to withdraw their manuscript from the initial stages of processing(Before the manuscript is sent for peer review). However, the author needs to pay full amount as a withdrawal charge if the article is under review stage or accepted for publication. This amount will be utilized to compensate for the costs incurred during the process and publication.

Publication Charges for Annals of Gastroenterology and Digestive Disorders are $1500

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