Information for Reviewers



    Does the article you are being asked to review match your area of expertise?


    Does the article assigned for review fits within the scope of journal?


    Reviewer to Check for Plagiarism and duplicate submission's and ensure that the same article is not previously published.



    Reviewer has to complete the review process within the given time frame. If not, Please notify the editor for extension of timeline or suggest alternate reviewer for further peer review.



    Any information/Submissions assigned for review should be confidential and make sure that the data should not be disclosed or shared with others.

Review Comments


    Reviewer should be precise in writing the comments on article. A Reviewer should identify positives and negatives of an article constructively and provide honest feedback, so that author can do the amendments to improve the quality of the article.


    Usage of any abusive or unprofessional language while commenting on article is strictly prohibited.


    Reviewer comments should not be bias in nature against any Religion, Creed, race, gender, nationality etc.

  •   For any conflict of interest, reviewer should notify the editor by describing the conflict.